The departure of a close friend back to the Netherlands marked the end of a delightful chapter filled with shared laughter and adventures. She left behind not just memories but also a collection of souvenirs, which, due to the uncooperative nature of airline luggage limits, now fall under my care for shipping. It’s a small, amusing task that keeps our friendship alive across the miles.
Transitioning back to work after such an enriching break has been like stepping into a familiar dance, albeit one where the rhythm is ever-changing. Managing CFS in a work environment is an art form. Each day brings a new set of challenges that test my skill in balancing energy reserves. It’s like playing a strategic game where the stakes are my well-being.
To add a bit more science to this art of energy management, I’ve started using an app called Visible. It’s like having a personal energy accountant, meticulously tracking my energy expenditures and symptoms. Over the next few months, I’m curious to see what patterns emerge, hoping this data will offer clues on how to better navigate my days.
Partnership and Perseverance
I’ve been trying to re-channel my efforts into strengthening my relationship. CFS can be tough on any couple; it’s a third wheel that no one invited but insists on crashing every plan with its unpredictable demands. My partner and I are learning to deal with the ups and downs, taking steps to increase our understanding of how CFS affects our lives and planning activities with a newfound awareness of my energy levels.
Helping in this journey is a welcome pack from Action for M.E., brimming with resources that offer both of us insights into the world of living with CFS. It’s like having a guidebook for a journey through a land where the weather changes at the drop of a hat. Through all these experiences though, my partner and I are growing – sometimes stumbling, sometimes soaring. We’re preparing for both the good days and the tough ones, knowing that dealing with CFS is a journey best taken together. Despite the challenges, I constantly remind myself of the little victories – the ability to plan a date, the moments of shared joy, the simple act of sending a parcel. It all brings me one step closer to “normal”.
Embracing the Future
So, as I wrap up this post, I look forward to what lies ahead with a mix of optimism and realism. It’s a life filled with laughter, learning, and love, all played out on the ever-shifting stage of CFS. Here’s to embracing the chaos with a smile and finding humour in the small things. After all, what’s life without a little laughter along the way?